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How To Read Resistor Color Codes?


The resistor is one of the most important components in electronics as many devices rely on it. Resistors work quietly behind the scenes to control current and voltage in the many devices we rely on daily. Ever wonder what those colored bands wrapped around it mean? Those color bands aren't just some kind of decorative doodling on the outside but a standard way to convey and read valuable information about the resistor's value, tolerance, and sometimes even its temperature coefficient.

Understanding resistor color codes is quite important for any person involved in electronics, whether it's a hobbyist playing with simple circuits or a professional engineer building complex systems. It's like learning the alphabet of electronics—a small step that makes all the difference. This article takes you through all you should know about resistor color codes.

What Does a Resistor Look Like?

Resistor Color Codes

The most common and useful components in electronics work are resistors. Resistors are made to regulate the flow of current through a circuit. The installation of resistors is much easier when it comes to circuit boards because of their small, cylindrical body with wire leads extending from both ends. Because of these concise designs and their distinctive color lines, they can easily be identified.

Most resistors finish tough because they have an outside covering of protection usually made of ceramic. The resistor can mostly be diagnosed with the help of color bands on its body that define its resistance value, a critical parameter in its operation. These bands are part of a universal color coding system that ensures uniformity across applications and manufacturers.

Resistors come in various dimensions and forms which actually depend on the power rating and intended application. Carbon film resistors, for example, are used mostly in general-purpose electronics, small in size, while on the other hand, larger power resistors are designed to accommodate considerable currents, and fitted with extra heat-dissipating fins.

This is the first step in electronics: getting your own and a little more knowledge, understanding what a resistor looks like, what it is meant to do, and how to measure it with the help of color codes as well as an ohm meter.

Understanding Resistor Color Codes

Resistor Color Codes

It is a standardized system for resistors to get their resistance value, tolerance, and sometimes the reliability or temperature coefficient of a resistor with their color codes. In this system, the multiple color bands are painted on the resistor in order, and each of these color bands represents a numerical value or multiplier which is used to indicate its value.

A standard resistor normally features four, five, or six color bands depending on the precision and specifications. Significant digits are indicated by the first two or three bands, which are read from left to right. A multiplier band and a tolerance band come next. An extra band, which is frequently present in specialist resistors may often indicate temperature coefficient or reliability.

Each color represents a distinct value, as defined by the international standard IEC 60062. For instance, black stands for zero, brown for one, red for two, and finally white for nine. The multiplier band adjusts the base value by powers of ten, while the tolerance band indicates the percentage range within which the resistor’s actual resistance value may vary.

It is very important to understand this color coding of resistors identify proper specs and ensuring its correct for the intended use in circuits. For anyone working in the field of electronics, it is fundamental to get familiar with resistor color coding systems.

How to read resistor color codes?

At first glance, it might seem complex to read resistor color codes, but it's quite a straightforward method. It is also a universal standard for all kinds of resistors so there won't be any kind of barriers among professionals. This color code system allows us to know a resistor’s resistance value, tolerance, and sometimes additional characteristics like temperature coefficient.

To read the color codes correctly, start by identifying the orientation of the resistor. The color bands are read from left to right. It begins with the band closest to the edge. The number of bands indicates the level of detail.

There are some types of resistors based on their number of bands.

4-band resistors: This is common for general-use applications.

5-band resistors: It is used for higher precision.

6-band resistors: Offers additional information, such as temperature coefficient.

Each band in the sequence syncs to specific data like significant digits, a multiplier, tolerance, or temperature coefficient. Let’s boil this down further for each type of resistor.































4 Band Resistor Color Code Chart

The 4-band resistor is the most commonly used type. It uses four colored bands:

●      First Band: It represents the first significant digit of the resistance value.

●      Second Band: It represents the second significant digit.

●      Third Band: Acts as the multiplier, indicating the power of ten to multiply the first two digits.

●      Fourth Band: Indicates the tolerance or the allowable percentage fluctuation from the nominal resistance value.

●      For example consider a resistor with bands of brown, black, red, and gold:

4 Band Resistor Color Code Chart

●      The first band (brown) represents 1.

●      The second band (black) represents 0.

●      The third band (red) represents a multiplier of 10².

●      The fourth band (gold) indicates a tolerance of ±5%.

●      Thus, the resistor’s value is 1,000 ohms (1 kΩ) with a tolerance of ±5%.

5 Band Resistor Color Code Chart

The 5-band resistor provides greater precision by including an additional significant digit. The sequence of bands is as follows:

●      First Band: First significant digit.

●      Second Band: Second significant digit.

●      Third Band: Third significant digit.

●      Fourth Band: Multiplier, determining the power of ten to multiply the first three digits.

●      Fifth Band: Tolerance, specifying the permissible variation.

For instance, a resistor with bands of red, violet, black, brown, and gold translates as follows:

5 Band Resistor Color Code Chart

●      The first band (red) represents 2.

●      The second band (violet) represents 7.

●      The third band (black) represents 0.

●      The fourth band (brown) represents a multiplier of 10¹.

●      The fifth band (gold) indicates a tolerance of ±5%.

●      This resistor’s value is 2,700 ohms (2.7 kΩ) with a tolerance of ±5%.

6 Band Resistor Color Code Chart

The 6-band resistor is used in specialized applications, where temperature stability is critical. This type includes all the information of a 5-band resistor and an additional sixth band for the temperature coefficient, measured in parts per million per degree Celsius (ppm/°C). The sequence is:

●      First Band: First significant digit.

●      Second Band: Second significant digit.

●      Third Band: Third significant digit.

●      Fourth Band: Multiplier.

●      Fifth Band: Tolerance.

●      Sixth Band: Temperature coefficient.

For example, a resistor with bands of yellow, violet, black, red, brown, and blue is interpreted as:

6 Band Resistor Color Code Chart

●      The first band (yellow) represents 4.

●      The second band (violet) represents 7.

●      The third band (black) represents 0.

●      The fourth band (red) represents a multiplier of 10².

●      The fifth band (brown) indicates a tolerance of ±1%.

●      The sixth band (blue) represents a temperature coefficient of 10 ppm/°C.

●      Thus, this resistor has a value of 47,000 ohms (47 kΩ), a tolerance of ±1%, and a temperature coefficient of 10 ppm/°C.

Interpreting Resistance Values

The next stage is to practically interpret resistance values after learning how to read resistor color codes. This entails applying the principles you've learned to actual situations while utilizing a resistor color code chart.

Let’s simplify this process with a clear chart and walk through some examples.

Resistor Color Code Chart

The table below summarizes the standard color codes used in resistors, including significant digits, multipliers, tolerance values, and temperature coefficients:


Significant Digit


Multiplier (Ω)

Tolerance (%)

Temp Coefficient (ppm/°C)


































































Examples of Interpreting Resistance Values

Example 1: 4-Band Resistor

 Suppose you have a resistor with bands of red, yellow, orange, and gold. Using the chart:

●      Red (2): First significant digit = 2.

●      Yellow (4): Second significant digit = 4.

●      Orange (1,000): Multiplier = 1,000.

●      Gold (±5%): Tolerance = ±5%.

The resistance value is 24,000 ohms (24 kΩ) with a tolerance of ±5%.

Example 2: 5-Band Resistor


Now consider a 5-band resistor with colors brown, black, black, red, and brown:

●      Brown (1): First significant digit = 1.

●      Black (0): Second significant digit = 0.

●      Black (0): Third significant digit = 0.

●      Red (100): Multiplier = 100.

●      Brown (±1%): Tolerance = ±1%.

The resistance value is 10,000 ohms (10 kΩ) with a tolerance of ±1%.

Example 3: 6-Band Resistor


For a 6-band resistor with green, blue, black, orange, red, and yellow:

●      Green (5): First significant digit = 5.

●      Blue (6): Second significant digit = 6.

●      Black (0): Third significant digit = 0.

●      Orange (1,000): Multiplier = 1,000.

●      Red (±2%): Tolerance = ±2%.

●      Yellow (25 ppm/°C): Temp coefficient = 25 ppm/°C.

The resistance value is 56,000 ohms (56 kΩ) with a tolerance of ±2% and a 25 ppm/°C temperature coefficient.

 Resistor Color Codes

Now let’s take this image as an example. This is a 4 band resistor.

●      Brown(1): First significant digit = 1.

●      Black(0): Second significant digit = 0.

●      Red(100): Multiplier = 100.

●      Gold (±5%): Tolerance = ±5%.

The resistance value is 1000 ohms (1 kΩ) with a tolerance of ±5%.


The Importance of Resistors in Electronics

It won't be wrong if we say resistors are the unsung heroes of the electronics world as they quietly do their important function of controlling current flow. They make sure circuits operate safely and efficiently. But they must used properly in the circuit and that can only be achieved if you know the exact value of resistors.

Sensitive components like LEDs, microcontrollers, and transistors could easily be damaged by excessive current without resistors. Not only just being passive components; they do play a critical role in voltage regulation, signal conditioning, and even timing applications in the majority of devices making them the most integral thing in electronics.

To make sure that a resistor is functioning as intended it is very crucial to verify its resistance value. This be done via multimeters or ohm meters and traditional color coding methods.

In the meter reading method, by setting the multimeter to resistance mode and connecting its probes to the resistor, we can directly measure its resistance in ohms. The other method is color coding which we already discussed in detail.

There are multiple reasons why it is important to measure the value of the resistor.

It assists in confirming that the part of a circuit satisfies the necessary criteria. It can detect defective resistors whose values may have changed over time as a result of wear or environmental influences.

Anyone working in electronics has to understand resistors and how to measure them. It ensures that your designs are dependable, your troubleshooting is efficient, and your circuits are protected from potential damage or inefficiency.


At first glance, decoding the color codes of resistors seems complex but it is a straightforward process. Getting to know the resistors, along with the practical reasons behind such color codes, and reading the resistance values is a critical skill for anyone who deals in electronic circuits. 

The same principles apply whether you are identifying a basic 4-band resistor or cracking the extra complexity of a 6-band one. Design schematics and practical applications are connected by these building blocks of a universal language of color codes. 

A resistor is as essential as any component in a circuit, no matter how advanced it is. Mastering reading the values from resistors is not just an improvement of your skill but guarantees accuracy and reliability in your projects. 

So, the next time you will be holding a resistor, remember that those little multicolored bands hold multitudes of information waiting to be decoded. With a resistor chart and a little practice, you'll be ready to face any hard questions around resistors in no time.


About Author

Alex Chen

Alex has over 15 years of experience in the circuit board industry, specializing in PCB client design and advanced circuit board manufacturing processes. With extensive experience in R&D, engineering, process, and technical management, he serves as the technical director for the company group.

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